Why Doesn't My Monitor's Brightness Setting Save?Updated 3 months ago
The Reason
- The monitor is not connected to a power source.
- The confirmation button was not pressed after setting the brightness.
- The low-power mode is not disabled.
- HDR is not turned off on the MacBook.
What Should I Do?
Monitor Connection to Power
Regardless of whether the monitor uses HDMI or USB-C for signal transmission, the PD interface of the monitor must be connected to a power source when adjusting settings. Otherwise, adjustments may fail, especially with high-power monitors. For example, with monitors over 2K, if you connect the laptop only via a USB-C cable without an additional power source, your brightness settings may not be saved. This is because the monitor is set to prioritize normal display functionality when USB-C power is insufficient to prevent a black screen.
Press the Confirm Button After Setting the Menu
If you adjust the brightness but forget to save it, your settings will not be saved automatically. Therefore, you need to press the confirm button for the adjustments to take effect.
Disable Low Power Mode
For monitors with a low power sub-menu, you need to enter the menu and disable low power mode before adjusting the brightness to successfully save your settings.
Disable HDR on MacBook
Sometimes, a MacBook may experience low brightness due to HDR being automatically enabled. You can try turning off the HDR on your laptop and then turning it back on. The steps to turn off HDR on a MacBook are:
- Click the Apple icon in the top left corner.
- Select System Settings (or System Preferences).
- Go to Displays.
- If your monitor supports HDR, uncheck the HDR option.
However, after turning off HDR, some users might run into new issues and find themselves asking, "Why is my monitor so bright when HDR is off?" You could be facing one of several scenarios. But don't worry, we’ll share some helpful solutions to get things back on track.
- Brightness Settings Too High
Your brightness might be set excessively high, especially if it was adjusted for HDR. Reduce brightness in the monitor's on-screen menu (OSD).
- Automatic Brightness Adjustments
MacOS may automatically adjust brightness, keeping it high even when HDR is off. You can click on System Preferences > Displays, and disable the “Automatically adjust brightness” option.
- High Contrast Settings
Elevated contrast and gamma settings can affect perceived brightness. You can adjust contrast ettings in your monitor's menu.